i love this picture so much,PEACE :D
Oh yeah,it's SPORT DAY yesterday. Have a great time with all of you. Took many picture too :D
Nice memories,love it! Our friendship will be forever and for always. Xin yi din't come,Not feeling well. Take care ! Faster recover...Weeeeeeeeee :)
Our class girls took 3rd place in 4*100. Woots! I'm so proud for u all. Love u guys so muchies.
Muakks ! xD 357,ilove this number. It have a special meaning and special story for it.Yeah.
Today,Wisat day. Went 浴佛just now. Hope and wish all the unhappy things dissapear.
Later go sing k with my sister and sister's friend at MUSIZ ZONE. Oh yeah! x)
Enjoy :D